🌶Johnny’s Smoked Gouda and🌶Datil Shrimp and Grits🌶
1 cup of stone ground grits (pro tip soak overnight)
4 cups water
4 Tbsp butter
6 oz. Smoked Gouda
½ Cup of Heavy Cream
½ pound of cooked, thick cut bacon diced
2 green onions finely chopped.
1 lb. of your favorite fresh shrimp ( I always use fresh Mayport jumbos)
Bring the water to a boil in a large pot, salt the water to taste (typically Tbsp) and add the grits. DO NOT
add cream butter or cheese until the grits are cooked. (This is a fatal mistake most folks make when
trying to make cheese grits of any kind.) stir the grits, reduce temp to low simmer for approximately 20
minutes or until grits are cooked and a creamy consistency. Incorporate the butter stir until melted,
incorporate heavy cream stir until completely incorporated finally add shredded smoked gouda cheese
until melted into the grits. Taste and season accordingly.
Sauté shrimp on one side until you create a caramelized crust about two-three minutes take off heat flip
the shrimp in set the pan aside.
Finish the shrimp with Suwannee Swamp Sauce to taste!
Plate place a heaping ladle of grits in your favorite service (bowl or plate). Arrange the shrimp over the
grits and garnish with bacon, green onion, and Swamp Sauce!